Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Starting your own business

Starting a new business can be daunting but comprehensive planning can make the process more enjoyable and successful in the long-run.

The first step is to decide what kind of business would be the most suitable. The rise of the internet means there has been a growth in online companies so that could be a possibility, especially for a specialised retailer. Other options could include looking at a franchise operation or setting up a business in a field that is already familiar.

Once the type of business is decided on, the next step involves conducting market research. Finding out about possible competitors in the area can help prevent possible financial problems as well as allowing you to ensure you charge a realistic price or fee for goods and services. Research can also test the viability of a business start-up idea, for instance there may be little demand for a pet-sitting business if there already a high number of successful companies in the area offering the same service.

A business plan can also be a helpful way of ensuring that you have a realistic idea of how the company is going to progress as well as identifying any possible marketing opportunities. More importantly it can also ensure that a business stays on track as often the day-to-day running of a business can distract from the original long-term plans. The plan is also a useful document when it comes to approaching possible investors or presenting to banks when applying for start-up capital.

Finance is a crucial barrier for many new small businesses, especially if they are facing direct competition from well established and larger firms. However, there are a growing number of options for start-up firms and getting a clear picture of potential finance problems at the initial stages can help ensure capital is still available if sales are not inline with original forecasts.

It is also important to ensure that all the appropriate institutions are informed when you finally decide to launch a business, including HM Revenue & Customs and that adequate insurance cover is arranged, especially if you employ other workers.

Working for yourself and starting your own business can be highly rewarding but can also be very challenging. Anyone with the correct approach as well as a strong level of commitment is likely to enjoy a number of benefits of being their own boss.

Copyright Adfero Ltd 2007

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