Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Clothing franchises

Children tend to grow out of their clothes extremely quickly. This, tailored with the fact that many people simply cannot help themselves but buy the latest designer outfits and "adorably tiny clothes" for their youngsters, means the market for children's clothes is huge.

Of course, clothing is generally a particularly large market, but it is one in which sales are high and many areas, including used and brand name clothing and accessories, can produce high returns.

And anybody looking to capitalise on the strong clothing market by way of franchising has a wealth of opportunities and choice open to them.

The clothing sector covers a huge range, with everyone from babies to the elderly needing specific types of garments, accessories and other items. Add areas such as sportswear, office wear and seasonal clothing and you have a mind-boggling selection to consider.

But the blossoming entrepreneur looking to invest in a business within the clothing industry not only needs to be able to decide on a market audience, but also on what kind of franchise they are hoping to take on.

Second-hand clothing franchises are becoming extremely popular, as well as designer name clothes obtained from retail outlets. Children's clothing stores are in particular demand, with the $200 billion market currently bigger than the fast food industry.

And, with around 200,000 more children born each year all needing clothes, there is a steady stream of consumers propelling the annual growth rate in the resale sector at between five and ten per cent.

With great margins on the resale clothing sector, franchisers have obviously taken this on board, meaning there are hundreds of retailers looking for potential franchisees to help expand their business.

And those hoping to take advantage of this sector will need a fair amount of liquid capital as well as personal net worth of around $200,000 in order to start a business, although this can be true of many franchises.

This fee often covers training, support from the franchiser, marketing, equipment, leaseholds on properties, supplies and other necessary extras to help you get on your feet. But with the support and guidance of the franchiser, it can make the prospect much more inviting than taking the plunge on your own.

Franchisees need to be marketing and business-minded in order to succeed in any kind of franchising, and clothing franchises are no different. Locating your outlet in the ideal place is also a key move, but the main tricks and skills needed by any entrepreneur in the franchising world is a savvy sense of the relevant market, a strong business attitude and the will to get stuck in.

Copyright Adfero Ltd 2007

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