Monday, October 23, 2006
Would-be franchisees want less jargon

Young, would-be franchisees are growing disillusioned by complex business terminology that is blocking their way to setting up a business, new research shows.
The Make Your Mark campaign in tandem with Domino's Pizza set out to discover the motivations of burgeoning Richard Branson's and Bill Gates' in the UK and the research found young people were fazed by too much complicated jargon.
Successful entrepreneurs and business owners were held up as individuals that could give the best advice on starting a business venture such as franchising, rather than the government, said 86 per cent of those quizzed.
Chief operating officer at Domino's Pizza Chris Moore remarked: "Assumptions and misunderstandings clearly restrict the potential of many thousands of young people who want to put their enterprise into action.
"Business appears to be denying itself access to a huge pool of potential talent by not removing some simple barriers." Make Your Mark is a campaign supported by businesses and the government and is funded by the Small Business Service of the Department of Trade and Industry. It aims to promote enterprise among young people and provide inspiration for business ventures.
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