Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Women's fitness franchises

In today's health-obsessed, image-conscious society, going to the gym has become a top priority for many women in their quest to look and feel great.

But for many women, particularly those just starting out on their first steps to fitness, the gym can be a daunting place full of body builders, male instructors with washboard stomachs and odd-looking machinery.

That's why women-only fitness centres are becoming an increasing popular choice. They provide a great place for women to work out in a stress-free, female-orientated environment, while also providing a great place to meet friends and socialise.

Such centres offer quick, 30 minute training sessions with experienced instructors for career women and mums on the go and they also provide female-friendly equipment that's easy to use and designed specifically for women.

So what better way to benefit from this ever-increasing demand than to invest in a women's fitness franchise? Those looking for the opportunity to be their own boss and run their own successful enterprise could find it's the chance they've been waiting for.

Owning a women's fitness franchise is not a decision that should be taken lightly, since it will require significant upfront investment. There will be the cost of renting the gym space, the cost of purchasing equipment, and not to mention the franchise fee, which will vary from franchiser to franchiser.

On top of this there will be substantial ongoing costs, such as staff wages, equipment maintenance, heating, lighting and so on.

However, for those will the skills and the determination to make the business a success, the profits will soon outweigh these costs, especially if they can establish a loyal customer base and encourage clients to come back month after month

Of course one of the most important things to consider when investing in a women's fitness franchise is the competition. Setting up business in an area dominated by mixed sex gyms may be a smart move, but it is important to make sure that these gyms don't already provide women-only suites or fitness classes that will hinder the success of a new female-only establishment in the area.

Similarly, where there is already a women's gym within the locality, it is vital to make sure than any new venture would offer something new and more attractive, otherwise franchisees could quickly find there is not enough demand for their own gym.

Going the franchise way, however, means entrepreneurs will receive help and guidance in choosing the location of their gym, setting it up and attracting customers. They will also benefit from extensive training and o the job support, as well as advertising and marketing assistance.

That's not to say however that running a women's fitness franchise is an easy task. It requires hard work, dedication, a sound commitment to delivering excellent customer service, and above all a desire to help women achieve their fitness goals in a friendly, relaxed setting.

Copyright Adfero Ltd 2006


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