Thursday, August 10, 2006


Dog Franchises

Around 43 per cent of US households have a least one canine member and most of them like to keep their precious pooches clean, trimmed, fed and walked. But of course with people living increasingly hectic lifestyles taking care of pets can be something of a chore and many Americans are turning to canine grooming parlours, dog walkers and pooch sitters to care of their furry friends.

And of course the celebrity trend for glamorous doggy companions has also helped to boost the demand for canine services, with stars such as Paris Hilton refusing to let their dogs be seen looking anything but fabulous.

As a result, business opportunities for animal loving entrepreneurs in this fast-growing sector are booming and those savvy enough to take advantage could find that investing in a dog franchise is a very lucrative career move.

Whether it be a canine hairstylist to the stars or a doggy day care service for busy young professionals, franchisees must have a love for animals. People skills too are essential, since it's not just the dogs that require excellent customer service.

As far as the day to day running of a dog franchise goes, little real skill is required, but knowledge of accounting and experience managing staff will be advantageous. Most franchisers will offer comprehensive training programmes to bring franchisees up to speed with their new business and get them up and running.

Marketing and advertising support will also be offered to attract customers, and with an already established brand name this should be a lot easier than going it alone.

One of the benefits of investing in a dog franchises is that it's not too heavy on the wallet. Dog day care, walking or grooming requires a much smaller investment and less operating capital than restaurants or shops, which require constant restocking. This means franchisees can start making real profits much sooner.

However, a major consideration for potential dog franchisees is where to set up shop. Making the right decision here could be the key to a lucrative business, since a luxurious pooch spa may succeed in Hollywood, but it is likely to fail in Rhode Island.

Conducting thorough research into possible dog businesses is therefore essential. Franchisees could look for gaps in the market, or create their own niche market in the right place. The possibilities are endless, but competition is tough and so franchisees must look carefully at all the options.

So with more people now wanting only the best for their canine friends and willing to pay for it too, the potential to make healthy profits in the dog sector is quite apparent. And for those who love animals investing in a dog franchise could be even more rewarding, since providing excellent care for animals is the most important part of the job.

Copyright Adfero 2006

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